Sobat sudah mulai bosan dengan tampilan smartphone Android sobat yang biasa-biasa saja ? Kali ini saya akan membagikan sebuah Aplikasi yang berfungsi mempercantik dan memodifikasi tampilan smartphone Android sobat, yaitu
ADWLauncher EX. Nah, dengan
ADWLauncher EX ini sobat dapat mengotak-atik
Home Screen dan
App Drawer dengan mudah dan cepat. Di dalam
ADWLauncher EX ini juga ada banyak temanya loh, jadi sobat bisa sering-sering mengganti tema tersebut.
Download :What makes ADW different ?- It's compatible with android versions from 1.6 to 4.1!
- It's highly customizable, almost in every aspect you can think of.
- Thousands of skins and themes with support for most popular launcher themes!
- Mix and match your skins, icons, docks, folders, etc
- Configure your applications in unlimited groups and hide unwanted apps.
- Fast setup screen with fast access to add items or configure everything.
- Gestures for fast operation (swipe up/down, 2-fingers swipe up/down, pinch in/out, etc)
- Configurable Actionbar, similar to android 3.x+ tablet interface.
- Screens editor to add,remove, swap and resize your desktop screens.
- Configurable visual desktop indicators.
- Easy folder tweaking and management, content previews, arrangement, colors, etc.
- New AppWidget picker for devices running Android 4.1 and newer.
- Icons editor to create your own customized shortcuts or edit existing ones
- AppWidget resizing
- AppWidget backup/restore (only for android 4.1 and newer)
- Customizable applications dock with support for unlimited shortcuts with paginated scroll.
- Lots of settings to play with: texts, colours, animations, sizes... you should dig in!
Semoga Bermanfaat :)
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TwitterRegards, Admin - Aditya Eka